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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Surnames starting with H

Hernández Mejías

Dr. Sara Hernández Mejías

Research: Bio-engineered nanophotonics
Position: Assistant Researcher (tenure track)
Hernández Rueda

Dr. Jaime J. Hernández Rueda

Position: Assistant Researcher (tenure track)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hermans

Research: Systems Chemistry
Position: Senior Research Prof.
Hermoso Fernandez

Juana Hermoso Fernandez

Position: Administrative Assistant

Dr. Beatriz Hernández Juárez

Research: Hybrid systems based on semiconductor nanoparticles
Hidalgo López

Juan Francisco Hidalgo López

Research: Ultrafast X-ray Science
Hidalgo Rubiera

Gonzalo Hidalgo Rubiera

Position: Network and Systems Manager