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  • Prof. Johannes Gierschner

    PhD: University of Tübingen. Germany
    Previous Position: University of Mons, Belgium
    Research: Photophysics of Organic and Hybrid Supramolecular Nanosystems
    ORCID: 0000-0001-8177-7919
    Researcher ID: K-7938-2014
    Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JAyWDLwAAAAJ
    Joining Date: January 2008
    User Name: johannes.gierschner
    Telephone: +34 91 299 87 83

    Johannes Gierschner received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at the University of Tübingen (UT), Germany, in 2000. After stays at UT, Univ. Mons (UMons), and at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, he joined the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies - IMDEA Nanociencia- in 2008 as a Senior Research Professor (Ramón y Cajal fellow 2008-13; I3 and IED accredited). In 2014, he habilitated at UT and holds an Adjunct Professor (Privatdozent) position there since then. JG is regular visiting researcher at University of Valencia (since 2014), and at Seoul National University (SNU; since 2008), and held Visiting Professor positions at SNU and UMons (2014/15). His work integrates optical spectroscopy and computational chemistry to elucidate structure-property and -process relationships in conjugated organic materials for optoelectronics and energy conversion.

    JG is further dedicated to consolidate the community knowledge through regular insightful, educative reviews and international lecture series in photophysics of organic materials. Moreover, during the last years, he is increasingly committed to 'scientific integrity' seminars for students & researchers.

    ORCID researchID Scopus googlescholar loop


    Academic Family Tree: https://academictree.org/chemistry/peopleinfo.php?pid=897634

  • Dr. Indranil Bhattacharjee

    PhD: PhD in Photophysics and Material Chemistry. December 2018.
    Previous Position: Postdoctoral fellow (Physical Chemistry) with Prof. Shuzo Hirata.Department of Engineering Science University of Electro-Communications, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan I
    Research: Photophysics of Organic & Hybrid Supramolecular Nanosystems
    ORCID: 0000-0002-0324-8066
    Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gYw01toAAAAJ
    Joining Date: July 2022
    User Name: indranil.bhattacharjee
    Telephone: 8788

    Indranil Bhattacharjee is working in the field of ‘Understanding the inherent photophysics of the Donor-Acceptor based pure organic molecules’. Started from his PhD. onwards he was keenly interested in the design, synthesis and characterization of those materials. In 2014 he joined Shiv Nadar University for his Ph.D. (with Dr. Debdas Ray) in the field of Physical and Material Chemistry. After completion of his Ph.D., he started his postdoctoral research with Dr. Shuzo Hirata at University of Electro-Communications, Japan as a UEC postdoctoral fellow. Since 2022, he has been working at IMDEA Nanociencia as MSCA-IDEAL postdoctoral researcher, with Prof. Reinhold Wannemacher and Prof. Johannes Gierschner.


    Research Lines

    Dr. Indranil Bhattacharjee is working in the field of ‘Understanding the inherent photophysics of the Donor-Acceptor based pure organic molecules’. Started from his PhD. onwards he was keenly interested in the design, synthesis and characterized of those materials. In 2014 he joined Shiv Nadar University for his Ph.D. (with Dr. Debdas Ray) in the field of Physical and Material Chemistry. After completion of his Ph.D., he stared postdoctoral research with Dr. Shuzo Hirata at University of Electro-Communications, Japan as a UEC postdoctoral fellow.

    Since 2022, he has been working at IMDEA nanociencia as MSCA-IDEAL postdoctoral researcher IB is working in the field of understanding the photophysics of the pure organic Donor-Acceptor materials via spectroscopic and computational approach. This understanding will enrage the visibility in the field of application-based research like, optoelectronics, energy conversion and so on.

    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/indranil-bhattacharjee-19237a78/


    Concept of Dr Bhattacharjee’s project is to understand the photophysics of the pure organic photocatalyst and unveil the inherent mechanism for the betterment of the future research.

    His current research plan is most dependent on the uses of various state-of-art instruments, and there are very few institutes where he can access all these under the same roof. In addition to that, IMDEA Nanociencia also has a significant impact at the league of the researcher, and that will amplify his research in the outer world.

    Research in the field of OPCs has been highly enhanced in the last few years.

    Dr Bhattacharjee  will be involved in the quantum mechanical calculations and analysing the data using state-of-the-art ultrafast transient absorption technique as well as various other spectroscopic tools. Handling these kinds of instruments will enhance his capability and analysing the data will also intensify his knowledge not only on this specific field but also will help for better understand the various prospect of physical chemistry. He is quite sure that this fellowship will increase his potential as a researcher and also working in this project will broaden the path of his future research.

    More info on IDEAL Fellowhisp Programme https://idealcofund-project.eu/postdoc/

    The IDEAL Fellowships Programme is supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND. Grant agreement ID: 101034431.

    Research lines:

    • Deciphering the role of charge transfer states in all organic photocatalysis.

    Relevant publications

    • Indranil Bhattacharjee, Shuzo Hirata*“Highly Efficient Persistent Room‐Temperature Phosphorescence from Heavy Atom‐Free Molecules Triggered by Hidden Long Phosphorescent Antenna”. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(31), 2001348. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202001348.
    • Takuya Kamatsuki, Indranil Bhattacharjee*, Shuzo Hirata* “The Substituent-Induced Symmetry-Forbidden Electronic Transition Allows Significant Optical Limiting under Weak Sky-Blue Irradiance”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11(20), 8675-8681. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02694
    • Indranil Bhattacharjee, Nirmalya Acharya, Harsh Bhatia, Debdas Ray* “Dual Emission through Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and Room-Temperature Phosphorescence, and Their Thermal Enhancement via Solid-State Structural Change in a Carbazole-Quinoline Conjugate”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2018, 9 (11), 2733-2738. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b00937
  • María Fernanda Florez Angarita

    Research: Photophysics of Organic and Hybrid Supramolecular Nanosystems
    Joining Date: September 2024
    User Name: maria.florez
    Florez Angarita

External Member

Liangxuan Wang, PhD student, Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University Tübingen, Germany (co-supervision with Prof. Alfred J. Meixner)

Associated Member

Dr. Begoña Milián Medina, Institute for Physical Chemistry, University of Valencia, Spain