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  • 2016
  • Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction

Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction

Prof. Enrico Gnecco

Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction
    Funding : European Science Foundation. MPNS COST Action MP1303
    Duration: 2013 - 2017
    60 months

Recent years have seen widespread efforts to understand the mechanisms of friction and tribology in micrometric structures (mesoscale) down to the realm of atoms and molecules (nanoscale) with the ultimate goal of controlling friction, adhesion and wear by design. This research has generated an interdisciplinary scientific area, nanotribology, with great potential impact on technology and everyday life. Applications include safety, economy, life quality, energy and material saving, toward a sustainable development. Europe has a strong scientific nanotribology community spreading over physics, materials science, chemistry, earth and life sciences.

The goal of this COST Action, operating beyond the national horizons, is to mobilize and put together the critical mass of existing human and technical nanotribology resources at a modest price, thus representing a unique opportunity for an efficient scientific investment. IMDEA Nanociencia will have a leading role in this Action, since an IMDEA Senior Researcher, Dr. Enrico Gnecco, will be one of the two Spanish representatives in the Management Committee of the Action. The research topics currently investigated by his group (nanoscale friction in liquid environments, manipulation of nanoparticles by scanning prove microscopy, influence of mechanical vibrations on friction and nanomanipulation, modeling atomic-scale friction and nanomanipulation) will greatly benefit from the interactions which will be estalished by this project and other groups at IMDEA Nanociencia may join the initiative in the near future.
