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  • ONDA Ordered heteroand Nano-structures with Epitaxial Dielectrics for magnetic and electronics Applications

ONDA Ordered heteroand Nano-structures with Epitaxial Dielectrics for magnetic and electronics Applications

Dr. Rodolfo Miranda & Dr. Julio Camarero

ONDA Ordered heteroand Nano-structures with Epitaxial Dielectrics for magnetic and electronics Applications
    Funding : FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES nº 247518
    Duration: 2010 - 2014
    60 months

The objective of the project is to strengthen the research cooperation between EU and Russia in the strategic field of ultrathin nano-structured materials for advanced electronic applications through a program of exchange of researchers.

One of the goals of the project is the training of the exchanged researchers into experimental techniques and procedures that are commonly not applied at their parent institutions. For instance, early stage/young researchers, that are undertaking their professional
formation, benefit of the exchange opportunity to expand their knowledge and to increase their opportunity of career development.

ONDA scientific activity regards the realization and study of ultrathin layered dielectric materials based on inorganic dielectrics (mainly fluorides on semiconductors), to promote the growth of suitable classes of materials, such as magnetically ordered hetero- and nanostructures or organic thin films for molecular electronics.

The IMDEA team, shares their expertise and skills in surface science and nanomagnetisms. We perform/train quasi-static and dynamic investigations of the magnetization reversal processes in the developed magnetic nanostructures. Both anisotropies and reversal mechanism are identified by using our home-made high resolution variable temperature vectorial magneto optic Kerr effect magnetometry set-up, with time, angular, temperature and vectorial resolution capabilities.
