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  • NOBIMAT-M New materials and hybrid biofunctional devices in Nanoscience

NOBIMAT-M New materials and hybrid biofunctional devices in Nanoscience

Prof. J. López Carrascosa

NOBIMAT-M New materials and hybrid biofunctional devices in Nanoscience
    Funding : Programas de Actividades de I+D entre grupos de investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid. S2009 / MAT-1507.
    Duration: 2010 - 2013
    48 months

This Program is aimed to study new materials and hybrid bio-functional tools in Nanoscience. It is composed by nine research groups covering molecular and cellular biology, biophysics, chemistry and nanotechnology, from IMDEA Nanoscience, CSIC, Autonomous University and Complutense University of Madrid. The objectives of the program includes the preparation, characterization and engineering of biological functional modules, the manipulation of biological complexes at the single molecule level, the modification of lipid surfaces to integrate biological complexes, the generation of lipo-protein nanoparticles for drug delivery, and the generation of ultra-sensitive tools for detection of biological molecules. The Program has resulted up to date in 8 PhD theses, and more than 60 publications in JCI Journals.
