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  • MOLESCO Molecular-Scale Electronics: Concepts, Contacts And Stability 

MOLESCO Molecular-Scale Electronics: Concepts, Contacts And Stability 

Prof. Nazario Martin & Dr. Nicolas Agrait

MOLESCO Molecular-Scale Electronics: Concepts, Contacts And Stability 
    Funding : FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-nº 606728
    Duration: 2014 - 2017
    48 months

The MOLESCO network will create a unique training and research environment to develop a pool of young researchers capable of achieving breakthroughs aimed at realising the immense potential of molecular electronics. In part this will involve the major challenges of design and fabrication of molecular-scale devices. To deliver this step-change in capability, MOLESCO will coordinate the activities of internationally-leading scientists from six different countries. MOLESCO has secured the participation of nine private sector partners, including one of Europe’s leading industrial electronics-research laboratories (IBM Research–Zurich) as a full partner. A highly-integrated approach to the experimental and theoretical aspects of molecular-scale electronics will deliver the fundamental knowledge and new fabrication strategies needed to underpin future nanotechnologies targeted for electronics applications. MOLESCO represents a highly interdisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration between teams with an extensive portfolio of skills, including molecular synthesis, fabrication of molecular junctions, imaging of molecular junctions with atomic resolution, measurements of charge transport, and electronic structure and transport calculations.
