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  • Dr. Teresa González Pérez

    PhD: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
    Previous Position: University of Basel. Switzerland
    Research: Neural Interfaces
    ORCID: 0000-0002-7253-797X
    Researcher ID: H-5527-2012
    Joining Date: November, 2008
    User Name: teresa.gonzalez
    Telephone: 8753
    González Pérez

    M. Teresa González got her Bachelor Degree (1996) and her PhD in Physics (2003) at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela in Spain. She joined IMDEA-Nanociencia in 2008 as Ramón y Cajal researcher after a four-year postdoctoral stay at Universität Basel in Christian Schönenberger’s group in Switzerland. She has worked in different fields including superconductivity, during is PhD research, molecular electronics, and, since 2016, the development of new nanostructured interfaces to interact with the nervous tissue. While she continues her research in the molecular electronics field, she is presently head of IMDEA Neural Interfaces Laboratory.

  • Dr. Lucas Peréz García

    Position: Associate Research Professor
    Double Affiliation: UCM
    Research: Electrodeposited Nanowires
    ORCID: 0000-0001-9470-7987
    Joining Date: March , 2017
    User Name: lucas.perez
    Peréz García
  • Noelia Rodriguez Diez

    Position: PhD Researcher
    Research: Neural Interfaces
    Joining Date: September 2022
    User Name: noelia.rodriguez
    Rodriguez Diez
  • Guillermo De Arana Schoebel

    Research: Advanced Magneto-Optics
    Joining Date: January, 2023
    User Name: guillermo.dearana
    De Arana Schoebel
  • Raquel Calvo Núnez

    User Name: raquel.calvo
    Calvo Núnez
  • Lydia Lorenzo Montilla

    User Name: lydia.lorenzo
    Lorenzo Montilla


Previous group members:

Beatriz L. Rodilla
Ana Arché
Arturo Vera