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Alicia Naranjo Chacón

Position: PhD Student
Research: Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials
ORCID: 0000-0002-0555-565X
User Name: alicia.naranjo
Telephone: 8838
Naranjo Chacón

Alicia Naranjo Chacón studied her bachelor degree in Chemistry at University of Castilla-La Mancha (Ciudad Real, Spain). She obtained a Master’s degree in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in the same university in 2019 (Toledo, Spain). Place where she collaborated in the research group headed by Dra. Ester Vázquez Fernández-Pacheco in the study of different hidrogels and carbon nanomaterials and its application in several areas.

Currently, she is a PhD student in the group headed by Dr. Emilio M. Pérez in the laboratory for Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials at IMDEA Nanociencia.

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