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4th edition of the International Workshop Series Severo Ochoa



Flors 4IWS

Cristina Flors, member of the Scientific Committee and organizer of the workshop.

The institute IMDEA Nanociencia has held the fourth edition of the International Workshop Series Severo Ochoa.

The workshop series has been conceived under the Award of Excellence Severo Ochoa, recently awarded to our institution for the period 2017-2021. The aims of the workshops are to provide an insight into the latest investigations; foster and strengthen research collaborations in the field, and to exchange knowledge in an active manner. The workshops are targeted to both young and consolidated researchers.

Ibarra Dholakia 4IWS

Borja Ibarra,  member of the Scientific Committee and organizer of the workshop, together with Kishan Dholakia (St. Andrews University, UK).

Each workshop of the series is focused on specific topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, and counts with the participation of world leading experts in the field. On this occasion, the workshop of the 4th edition has been devoted to “Nanoscale Imaging and Manipulation in Life and Materials Sciences”, and has been organized by the Scientific Committee of IMDEA Nanociencia, Cristina Flors, Borja Ibarra and Ricardo Arias. The topics of optical and mechanical nanomanipulation, atomic force microscopy and super-resolution fluorescence imaging were covered, from 11 experts from several countries (including UK, US, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Spain). Over 80 researchers and students attended the event. The workshop had the support of the sponsors Microscopy Research & Technique Journal, Izasa Scientific and Lumicks

The last edition of the workshop has been preceded by the workshops on “Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience”, “Frontiers of Chemistry of Molecular Materials” and “From Surface Science to Nanotechnology”.

Visit the website of the workshop for more information.