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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Direct determination of monosaccharides in honey by coupling a sensitive new Schiff base Ni complex electrochemical sensor and chemometric tools

Revenga-Parra M., Robledo S.N., Martínez-Periñán E., González-Quirós M.M., Colina A., Heras A., Pariente F., Lorenzo E.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical , 2020 , 312 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2020.127848

Multivalent cationic dendrofullerenes for gene transfer: synthesis and DNA complexation

Illescas B.M., Pérez-Sánchez A., Mallo A., Martín-Domenech Á., Rodríguez-Crespo I., Martín N.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B , 2020 , 8 , 4505 4515 ,DOI: 10.1039/d0tb00113a

Electrochemically and Photochemically Induced Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis with Cobalt Tetraazamacrocycles Occurs Through Different Pathways

Grau S., Schilling M., Moonshiram D., Benet-Buchholz J., Luber S., Llobet A., Gimbert-Suriñach C.
ChemSusChem , 2020 , 13 , 2745 2752 ,DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202000283

Understanding the paradoxical mechanical response of in-phase A-tracts at different force regimes

Marin-Gonzalez A., Pastrana C.L., Bocanegra R., Martín-González A., Vilhena J.G., Pérez R., Ibarra B., Aicart-Ramos C., Moreno-Herrero F.
Nucleic Acids Research , 2020 , 48 , 5024 5036 ,DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa225

Chemical Functionalization of 2D Materials

Martín N., Tagmatarchis N., Wang Q.H., Zhang X.
Chemistry - A European Journal , 2020 , 26 , 6292 6295 ,DOI: 10.1002/chem.202001304

Controlled Covalent Functionalization of 2 H-MoS2 with Molecular or Polymeric Adlayers

Quirós-Ovies R., Vázquez Sulleiro M., Vera-Hidalgo M., Prieto J., Gómez I.J., Sebastián V., Santamaría J., Pérez E.M.
Chemistry - A European Journal , 2020 , 26 , 6629 6634 ,DOI: 10.1002/chem.202000068

Effects of Moderate Static Magnetic Field on Neural Systems Is a Non-invasive Mechanical Stimulation of the Brain Possible Theoretically?

Hernando A., Galvez F., García M.A., Soto-León V., Alonso-Bonilla C., Aguilar J., Oliviero A.
Frontiers in Neuroscience , 2020 , 14 ,DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00419

Synthesis of metal-free lightweight materials with sequence-encoded properties

Azoulay A., Barrio J., Tzadikov J., Volokh M., Albero J., Gervais C., Amo-Ochoa P., García H., Zamora F., Shalom M.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A , 2020 , 8 , 8752 8760 ,DOI: 10.1039/d0ta03162c

Divergent Adsorption-Dependent Luminescence of Amino-Functionalized Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks for Highly Sensitive NO2Sensors

Gamonal A., Sun C., Mariano A.L., Fernandez-Bartolome E., Guerrero-Sanvicente E., Vlaisavljevich B., Castells-Gil J., Marti-Gastaldo C., Poloni R., Wannemacher R., Cabanillas-Gonzalez J., Sanchez Costa J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 2020 , 11 , 3362 3368 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00457

Rare-earth-incorporated low-dimensional chalcogenides: Dry-method syntheses and applications

Zhang Z., Zhao H., Zhang C., Luo F., Du Y.
InfoMat , 2020 , 2 , 466 482 ,DOI: 10.1002/inf2.12083

Structural study of the compounds formed in the reactions of FeCl3 6H2O with Ni(OH)2 in the presence of dithiolenes HSRSH (R = C6H2Cl2 or C6H4)

Delgado E., Hernández E., Pérez M., Perles J., Zamora F.
Molecules , 2020 , 25 ,DOI: 10.3390/molecules25092240

Exploring BODIPY Derivatives as Singlet Oxygen Photosensitizers for PDT

Prieto-Montero R., Prieto-Castañeda A., Sola-Llano R., Agarrabeitia A.R., García-Fresnadillo D., López-Arbeloa I., Villanueva A., Ortiz M.J., de la Moya S., Martínez-Martínez V.
Photochemistry and Photobiology , 2020 , 96 , 458 477 ,DOI: 10.1111/php.13232

Effect of particle size distribution on obtaining novel MnAlC-based permanent magnet composites and flexible filaments for 3D-printing

Palmero E.M., Casaleiz D., de Vicente J., Skårman B., Vidarsson H., Larsson P.-O., Bollero A.
Additive Manufacturing , 2020 , 33 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101179

Electronic Decoupling of Graphene from Copper Induced by Deposition of ZnO: A Complex Substrate/Graphene/Deposit/Environment Interaction

Morales C., Urbanos F.J., del Campo A., Leinen D., Granados D., Rodríguez M.A., Soriano L.
Advanced Materials Interfaces , 2020 , 7 ,DOI: 10.1002/admi.201902062

TiO2 and Co multilayer thin films via DC magnetron sputtering at room temperature: Interface properties

Quiroz H.P., Manso-Silván M., Dussan A., Busó-Rogero C., Prieto P., Mesa F.
Materials Characterization , 2020 , 163 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2020.110293

Organic–Rare Earth Hybrid Anode with Superior Cyclability for Lithium Ion Battery

Wang J., Sun X., Xu L., Xia J., Yang Y., Yin Z., Luo F., Du Y.
Advanced Materials Interfaces , 2020 , 7 ,DOI: 10.1002/admi.201902168

RMATE: A device to test radiation-induced effects under controlled magnetic field and temperature

García-Cortés I., Cabrera S., Medrano M., Moroño A., Muñoz P., Soleto A., Bugallo I., Nieto A., Altimira R., Bollero A., Camarero J., Cuñado J.L.F.
Fusion Engineering and Design , 2020 , 154 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.111431

Quantitative analysis of the defects in CVD grown graphene by plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering

Liu Y., Feng H., Luo F.
Carbon , 2020 , 161 , 153 161 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.01.063

Synthesis of 1,2-dicyanoferrocene by cyanation reactions

Medina D.-P., Fernández-Ariza J., Rodríguez-Morgade M.S., Torres T.
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines , 2020 , 24 , 786 793 ,DOI: 10.1142/S1088424619501852

Synthesis and Optical Features of Axially and Peripherally Substituted Subporphyrins. A Paradigmatic Example of Charge Transfer versus Exciplex States

Winterfeld K.A., Lavarda G., Yoshida K., Bayerlein M.J., Kise K., Tanaka T., Osuka A., Guldi D.M., Torres T., Bottari G.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2020 , 142 , 7920 7929 ,DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c01646