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Neural Interfaces

neural interfaces group

At the Neural Interfaces Laboratory of IMDEA Nanociencia, we fabricate and characterize nanostructured devices to be used as neural interfaces of enhanced performance. We follow two parallel approaches:

1. Electrical electrodes covered by vertical metallic nanowires:

We fabricate improved electrodes to be used for neural electrical stimulation. By giving nanostructure to the electrodes, we aim to achieve reduced impedance and enhanced biocompatibility.

- Using template-assisted electrochemical deposition, we explore different materials to prepare conductive electrodes covered by vertical nanowires.
- Using IMDEA-Nanociencia clean room facilities, we pattern electrode heads to prepare ready-to-use electrodes whose biocompatibility and performance can then be tested by our collaborators.

2. Sensors of neural activity based on magnetoresistive materials:

We aim to demonstrate that anisotropic magnetoresistive materials can be used to sense neural activity at body temperature.

- Starting from LSMO thin films grown over vicinal substrates and lithographed into Wheatstone-bridges by our colleagues at CNRS-GREYC, we characterize their detectivity at temperatures in the range of the body temperature.
- We develop a differential architecture to test the sensing ability of our devices in vitro and in vivo.


We are presently coordinating NeuroNanotech, a MSCA Doctoral Network focused on the development of minimally invasive flexible neural interfaces. Check the web page https://neuronanotech.eu/ for more information.