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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Christine Marie Arenas Mahe

Position: Technician
Research: Chemistry of Low-Dimensional Materials
Joining Date: February 2018
User Name: cristina.arenas
Telephone: 8868
Arenas Mahe

Cristina Arenas obtained her Higher Technical Certificate in Chemical Laboratory of Analysis and Quality Control at Lope de Vega institute of Madrid (Spain) in 2017. She also studied Intermediate Degree of Chemical Laboratory at the same institution and she graduated in 2014. She performed the mandatory field work at Research Center of CEPSA Química in Alcalá de Henares (Spain), where she developed the optimization of the oil extraction in the petrochemical laboratory, and at the ALKEMI S.A. in the chemical and microbiological analysis and quality control department in Coslada (Spain), pharmaceutical and organic and inorganics products quality tests analysis.

Currently, she is working as Chemical Laboratory and Instrumentation Analysis Technician in IMDEA Nanociencia.