Prof. Angeles Villanueva Oroquieta
Position: Associate Research Prof.
PhD: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Double Affiliation: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Research: Magnetic Nanoparticles in Biomedicine. Cell-Particle Interaction
Joining Date: January, 2010
User Name: angeles.villanueva
Telephone: +34 91 299 88 61
Dr. Angeles Villanueva is a cell biologist. Her research is mainly focused on photodynamic therapy of cancer. In the last years, she has established new collaborations with research groups in the field of mag- netic nanoparticles with applications in Medicine. She has stud ied in cell cultures: i) the mechanisms of nanoparticles internalization; ii) their subcellular localization; iii) the nano- particles biocompatibility; and iv) the identification the cell death mechanism induced by heatcontrolled intracellular hyperthermia with magnetic nanoparti- cles and an alternating magnetic field.
Research Lines
- Medical applications of nanoparticles.
- Cell cultures.
- Biocompatibilty of magnetic nanoparticles.
- Mechanisms of cell death.
- Alterations in adhesion and cytoskeletal proteins.
- Liposomal drug delivery.
- Evaluation in cell cultures and in vivo experimental models of new antitumor agents.
- Signaling pathways involved in cell death.
Relevant publications
- “Photodynamic effects on culure tumor cells. Cytoskeleton alterations and cell death mechanisms” Villanueva A. et. col In Handbook of Photochemistry and Photobiology. Vol: 4, pp: 79-117. 2003. (Ed. H. S. Nalwa). American Scientific Publisher. California, USA
- “Morphological criteria to distinguish cell death induced by apoptotic and necrotic treatments” Rello S., et col. Apoptosis 10: 201-8, 2005
- “The influence of surface functionalization on the enhanced internalization of magnetic nanoparticles in cancer cells” Villanueva A., et col. Nanotechnology 20: 115103-115111, 2009