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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Molecular Motors Manipulations Lab
  • People
  • Dr. Borja Ibarra Urruela

    PhD: Universidad Autónoma Madrid, Spain / CNB-CSIC Madrid, Spain
    Previous Position: Centro Nacional Biotecnologia (CNB- CSIC), Madrid, Spain
    Research: Molecular Motors Manipulation Lab
    ORCID: 0000-0001-6597-797X
    Researcher ID: H-5840- 2015
    Joining Date: January, 2010
    User Name: borja.ibarra
    Telephone: +34 91 299 88 63
    Ibarra Urruela

    Borja Ibarra (BSs in Biochemistry) obtained his PhD. in Molecular Biology from Universidad Autónoma Madrid in 2001. He made the ‘leap’ to molecular biophysics as a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Carlos Bustamante lab at UC Berkeley (USA) where he learned to generate, analyze and interpret single molecule data on complex, multi-state biological systems. Back in Spain in 2007, he applied single molecule manipulation methods as optical tweezers at the CNB-CSIC (Madrid) to study biological molecular motors at single molecule level. He joined the Nanobiosystems research line at IMDEA Nanociencia in 2010, where he started the Molecular Motors Nanomanipulation Lab.

    borja iborra 1

  • Dr. Francisco Javier Cao García

    Position: Associate Researcher
    Double Affiliation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    User Name: francisco.cao
    Cao García
  • Ismael Plaza García-Abadillo

    Research: Molecular Motors Manipulation Lab
    Joining Date: January 2019
    User Name: ismael.plaza
    Plaza García-Abadillo
  • María Ortiz Rodríguez

    Research: Molecular Motors Manipulation
    Joining Date: May 2020
    User Name: maria.ortiz
    Ortiz Rodríguez
  • Brishti Bagchi

    Research: Molecular Motors Manipulation Lab
    Joining Date: December 2024
    User Name: brishti.bagchi
  • Iván Zumeta Sánchez

    Research: Molecular Motors Manipulation Lab
    Joining Date: June 2023
    User Name: ivan.zumeta